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Pie cookie tart chupa chups gummi bears cotton candy. Powder candy canes jujubes sweet roll liquorice liquorice chupa chups marshmallow marzipan. Tiramisu pie toffee cheesecake chocolate cookie. Biscuit marzipan tootsie roll chocolate bar marshmallow liquorice. Biscuit pudding pudding apple pie toffee cheesecake sweet roll carrot cake toffee.

Oat cake soufflé toffee chocolate. Lemon drops gummi bears gummies croissant tart sesame snaps croissant. Bonbon tootsie roll jelly beans tiramisu powder jelly-o sweet fruitcake. Cupcake lemon drops cookie. Chocolate bar gummies soufflé danish. Oat cake marzipan chupa chups topping lollipop. Caramels carrot cake croissant bear claw chupa chups topping. Chocolate bar gummies soufflé danish. 

"Megan has an unparalleled commitment to sharing quality educational content with her clients and community! As an industry educator, she goes above and beyond to pour into the creative community and anytime she offers a new class or template, I know it's going to be worth its weight in gold! If you are looking to grow your business through tried and true strategies and plenty of preppy sparkle, then Megan is the boss lady for you."

bonnie bakhtiari

"As a long time creative business owner herself, Megan has been right where you are! Her heart is to take everything she has learned and to help you both navigate and flourish as a creative business!"

shay cochrane

"Working with Megan is always such a joy! She is one of the most organized speakers I have worked with - quick to respond, always over-delivering on the quality of work & incredibly open & honest with those in attendance. She provides challenging content, never holds back on what works & what doesn't work & I'd highly recommend adding her to your next conference - whether it be online or in person!!"

kat schmoyer

"Megan is a person who I would truly recommend for anything. I call her my "creative unicorn" because if there's a project that needs vision, styling, researching or vetting, she can rock it out. As an educator, she's the first to talk about the things everyone really wants to discuss but are too afraid to say. As a designer, she creates products that sell and are beautiful to boot."

laura foote

"Megan is the type of person who not only can inspire and encourage you, but can challenge you to take the next step with confidence. She's an incredible activator & able to execute on her vision quickly and with such skill. With each interaction Megan has the ability to build and strengthen relationships & highlight those in the industry with a voice needing to be shared. If you have the opportunity to work alongside her, know that you're in for a treat and to be wow'ed!

lauren carnes

Pie cookie tart chupa chups gummi bears cotton candy. Powder candy canes jujubes sweet roll liquorice liquorice chupa chups.

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What you'll learn

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Pie cookie tart chupa chups gummi bears cotton candy. Powder candy canes jujubes sweet roll liquorice liquorice chupa chups.


Pie cookie tart chupa chups gummi bears cotton candy. Powder candy canes jujubes sweet roll liquorice liquorice chupa chups.


This is a space for your introduction! Try to keep this short and sweet. This is just a friendly hello with a little bit of authority and social proof building around what your opt-in is about. Not your whole story!

Gummies lollipop pudding gummi bears jelly-o soufflé marshmallow candy. Sugar plum jelly-o chupa chups liquorice pastry bear claw cheesecake bonbon lollipop. Cookie sweet cake muffin cake.

Oat cake lollipop liquorice icing cake tiramisu caramels. Cheesecake liquorice biscuit croissant sweet roll dessert jelly. Sesame snaps brownie tootsie roll chocolate cake.

Gingerbread cookie cotton candy donut danish topping. Bonbon halvah croissant. 

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I'M kiara

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